You're Here Because You Know There's A Better Way To Tackle Running Your Real Estate Business.

Whether you need help growing your business, implementing systems & processes, getting more organized or getting your life back in balance, you know something has to change…and that’s where I come in to help clear the clutter.

My step-by-step transformation frameworks will give you a clear path with next steps, strategies, and tools that you need to create real change and get real results. now you know that building a real estate business is Hard.

But, Doing It On Your Own Makes It

Exponentially Harder.

The overwhelm is optional you know?


Flying By The Seat Of Your Pants Isn't

Going To Cut It Long Term.

You can work that way in real estate for a few years, but eventually it will catch up to you and by the time it does, most agents are too busy working IN their business to work ON their business. It can feel like a hole you can’t dig yourself out of, but you know there’s a better way to run your real estate business…

  • a way that gives you clarity, purpose and direction, so that you have an action plan that aligns with your vision

  • a way that feels organized, efficient and structured, so that you can focus more on doing what you do best

  • a way that allows you to have balance and boundaries, so that you can start enjoying more of the life you've been working so hard to build

…and you’re hoping a coach can help you.........


Hiring A Coach Is Not The Answer

…if they’re not the ‘right’ coach for you.


Traditional Coaching Isn't The 'Right' Coaching For A Lot Of Realtors.

Traditional real estate coaching usually involves coaching sessions at specific intervals, where the coach typically asks a set of prescribed (and very repetitive) questions that are all based on your ‘production’. How many calls did you make? How many doors did you knock on? How many appointments did you set?

The intention of these calls is to create accountability…but it often backfires and ends up only creating a sense of ‘dread’ for the calls.

Not exactly what you signed up for right?


What Exactly Will You Help Me


In short, everything. My real estate coaching approach is based on three core pillars designed to address the road

blocks that most commonly keep agents stuck. The foundation of this approach is

rooted in accountability & support.


Consider me your very own

business consultant.

Together we’ll unpack your

entire real estate business to

help you identify and

prioritize all of the

strategies, opportunities

and efficiencies in your



Once we know what you

need to do, the next

roadblock is how to do it.

Tech can overwhelm even

the most tech-savvy

Realtors and that’s why our

in-house tech team is right

beside you, every step of the



Unless we uncover and

breakthrough your sub-

conscious blocks and beliefs,

you’ll stay stuck in patterns

of behaviour that don’t serve

you and aren’t aligned with

the business and life you’re

trying to create.

That’s Refreshing…

A Coaching Framework That Actually Works

In this 6-month intensive, we’ll work side-by-side to audit and overhaul your entire real estate business (and your life).

Together, we’ll find ways to grow your business, uncover missed opportunities, develop an action plan and

identify ways to leverage people, systems & processes, so that you can automate, delegate and eliminate everything you don’t love doing…and not to worry, you’ll have our inside tech team with you every

step of the way.

You’ll also be taken through an exclusive blueprint to breakthrough all of the blocks, beliefs and behaviours, that are keeping you stuck in destructive patterns that aren’t serving you or the life you desire.

Here’s just some of the things we’ll explore in your business together:

  • Goal setting & business planning

  • Productivity and time management

  • Personal branding

  • Business Systems

  • Website design & development

  • Copy writing for conversions

  • Lead generation strategies

  • YouTube Marketing

  • YouTube Marketing

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Money Management

  • Google Advertising

  • Facebook & Instagram Advertising

  • Email marketing

  • List Building (opt-in forms & lead magnets)

  • Drip campaigns

  • Listing presentations

  • Buyer consults

  • Client processes

  • Client communication strategies

  • Business automations

  • Client onboarding forms so much more....


What's The Process?

Working with me in this 6-month intensive one-on-one real estate coaching program is by application only. Due to the intense nature of the program, I only take on a limited number of clients at any given time.


Fill out and submit an application. The more detail you provide, the better your chances of being approved.

Book Discovery Call

If your application is approved, you’ll be invited to book a discovery call to discuss the program & ask questions.

Secure Your Spot

If you’d like to move forward after your discovery call, you’ll be given available start dates and contract details.


Asked Questions

Here’s answers to some common basic questions, but rest assured you’ll have an opportunity to ask every question you have, during the discovery call process.

What Is The Investment & What's Included?

The investment for this exclusive 1:1 coaching program with Jen is $9,000. Here’s what’s included:

* Half day strategy session with Jen to audit your entire business & put an action plan together

* Unlimited daily, direct access to Jen via a voice messaging system to ask questions, get clarity, seek advice, etc.

* Lifetime access to all of Jen’s programs and courses for you and your team ($4,000 value)*

* Tech support for all of your system & process implementation

* Bi-weekly group coaching calls

* Submit all of your work for feedback

* A custom-designed Breakthrough Blueprint™ to help you overcome blocks, behaviours and beliefs that are not serving you 

Who Is 1:1 Coaching Best Suited For?

This exclusive coaching program is best suited for established agents who have been in the business for at least a few years and are consistently earning over $100k per year.

How Long Does The Program Last?

This is a 6-month intensive. The goal is to audit your business and then implement all of the strategies, opportunities, systems and processes you need to transform your business and your life.

How Much Time Will I Need To Commit?

You will need to make the work we do together a priority in your business and life. How much time will be required depends on how much work there is to do. We’ll discuss this more on a Discovery Call.

Are There Other Costs Involved?

There are no additional costs associated with the coaching program, however there will likely be costs associated with recommendations for 3rd party software, etc. The action plan we put together will take your budget into consideration and ultimately it’s your decision what you invest in.

What Is The Refund Policy?

Partial refunds will be provided if you are not satisfied with the program on completion and can provide reasonable grounds for your dissatisfaction. In order to qualify for any refund, you must fully participate in the program.


Ready To Run The Real Estate

Business Of Your Dreams?

This is not your typical coaching program, we do it differently here. Using The Real-Time Paradigm™, we’ll get you the help you need, in the moment you need it. No more waiting around until your next coaching call to get your problems solved – you don’t have time for that. Book a Discovery Call now to learn exactly how we’ll help you transform your business & your life.

Get A Curated Zoom Sessions Playlist

Want a curated list of Zoom sessions for exactly where you’re at in your real estate business journey? Sign up below and you’ll receive a list of sessions to tune into first!

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